Has the Behringer photocopier broken down?

Traditionally (2005, 2006,more 2006, 2007, more 2007) Behringer use NAMM to announce a vast array of familiar-looking new products. This year, there was nothing. I wonder why.
Mind you, NAMM seems to have been distinctly low-key this year. I only laughed about 12 times while reading Barry Wood's NAMM oddities, which is well below par.

I own one piece of Behringer kit - the Boss Slow Gear SG-1 clone. Paid less than $20US bucks, it does what it's supposed to do, and I didn't have to shell out $400 Boss monstroCollector prices for a pedal that honestly isn't worth $400.
I have one of these Boss clones also. The Behringer Noise Gate replica. Yes it was really cheap but it was also just a pile of crap. I tried to use it for one evening and bought another pedal the next day. I wouldn't even give someone that pedal - it's horrible.

I've owned a lot of these pedals and the Boss standard is top notch - if they'd just figure that true bypass out...
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