Radiohead's awesome headcam music video

Got to love the video for Radiohead's Jigsaw falling into place, entirely filmed with five webcams mounted on bicycle helmets. It was 'directed' by Adam Buxton from Adam & Joe: "Anyway, there I am sat in Radiohead’s kitchen thinking “I’m in Radiohead’s kitchen!” and all around me are bits and pieces that I recognise or am curious about, but I’ve go to focus on the matter at hand, which is: what are we going to shoot in the next 30 hours." (Thanks Michael)

Meshuggah did a similar headcam video:
I always thought Thom was the creepiest member of that band. Now, I know that award goes to Johnny.
Wow, what a great video. Thanks for posting this Tom.
Peter Gabriel used a headcam very effectively (and scarily!) on 'Digging in the Dirt' on the Secret World tour:
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