Dude puts drum triggers in pants, calls them DrumPants

Here's Tyler Freeman and his drumpants. It's not the newest idea, but he carries it off with some aplomb. Full details and how-to instructions are on his site, together with this rather alarming manifesto: "I am The New Artist. I paint with switches and resistors, capacitors and transistors. Instead of mixing pigments I combine electrons. My paintings do not have color or form, but rather signal and function." Well, OK there, Tyler. (via Brian and Engadget)

like all the other kids drumming on their knees in the tube he wasn't terribly tight.
hmm... maybe there's some latency issues?
That's total gash.
Wasn't John Otway doing that in about 1979? (And later in the last episode of The Young Ones)
that's a beautiful headline to read, tom.
"I am The New Artist. I paint with switches and resistors, capacitors and transistors. Instead of mixing pigments I combine electrons. My paintings do not have color or form, but rather signal and function. However I am incapable of of rigging up any sort of direct audio feed to my camera, and instead use tiny PC speakers inside a tin box filled with rusted paper clips. Also My samples are dry and soulless"
this dude needs some new sounds real bad. real bad. that dr-660 'rock kit' is great for 'new artists' though. ;)

manifesto - it's like the squarepusher manifesto w/o all the talent.
before starting playing pants, he should learn how to play drums :)
Hai buddy its really nice yaar!...

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