Artec Big Dots Tuner: "a 70s light show that tells you whether you're in tune"

Last week I was in Treblerock Music in Bristol playing this absurdly cheap but really not bad guitar and the guy showed me a Big Dots SE-PTN Tuner which is cool. The LED matrix displays the note you're tuning and the letters zip in and out very pleasingly. It's also very cheap (about £45) and, as this review says: "Basically it's a 70s light show that somehow tells you whether you're in tune or not". It's nice to see a Korean company making something original and clever (although I'm braced for someone telling me it's a rip off). Artec are also the company who make the chip inside the ModBoard analog delay, which I've now wired up and will post about soonest. (Pic via Blog of doctor Music store manager)

That looks cute, but I have so many other forms of tuner already. It seems like half of my multi-effect pedals already have a passthrough tuner with a readable display, and of course my preferred method of tuning is actually with a stroboscopic tuning pick. (Remember the StroboPick which never went into full production?)
I bought one based purely on the fact it contained more blue LED's than other tuning pedals.
It's a rip off of the Behringer TU007 tuner from years ago.

Just kidding.
I think it'd be better if you could change the top row to be red with a green one for on pitch...

hmm... a simple mod...
It would be a very simple mod, just use colored cellophane (i.e. old Atari arcade games).
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