Music Thing appears in various nice lists

Thanks to PC World for putting up with the infrequent posting and inept spelling by putting Music Thing in their list of '100 Blogs We Love' (alongside CDM). In other list-based news, I was pleased to appear at number 15 in this list of The Most Popular Blogs on Blogger, and delighted to end up at number 7 on Stuart's list of Most Read British Blogs...


Just kidding of course. : )

Congrats! I love Music Thing! Awesome to see you and CDM on the list.

Actually it's #5 on Stuart's list. :)
You're number 1 on this new list I just made up!
You are certainly running an awesome blog! I hope you don't mind, if I translate some of it into spanish for my little blog.

Greetings from Argentina!
well done musicthing! it is much deserved praise... xxx
it's worth remembering that tom used to post almost daily but i'm guessing since his new-found status in the world of national online newspaper representation, he has less time to devote...
agreed that although the posts are fewer now, they are still class when they arrive.
That's how I found your site. Amazing what you've done with blogger.
Very cool, congrats Tom. Hope this means we can see more regular updates soon! :o)
Congrats! It would be nice if there was more actual content on the blog!
Music Thing rules! I can't believe there are only 850 of us readers - we are the new illuminati - Thanks to you Tom
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