Behringer's ever-expanding pedal range

I feel slightly mucky to admit that one of the few things that really caught my eye in all the Messe coverage was Behringer's fast growing range of tiny, cheap, nasty plastic stompbox range. At Messe the announced an analog-style filter which I'm guessing won't sound much like a Moogerfooger, but will cost about 1/15th of the price, a phenomenally complicated-looking harmoniser/pitch shifter, which looks sure to be £25 worth of plastic fun, and a knobtacular Bass Synthesizer Pedal if you're too cheap to buy the Boss version. I'd love to see someone breaking up these pedals and turning them into a big, gnarly, gruesome-sounding modular synth...

Considering that Behringer is one of the few reasonably priced effect pedals available here in Costa Rica, I say "HOORAY!". Yeah, they're total rip off's of more expensive pedals, but the expensive pedals have such high import tarriffs here that they are hard to find, if not non-existant. Now if they could just revamp the Ultra-Bass head.......
That filter pedal needs an expression pedal input.
I'm actually really ecxited over the
filter pedal and the feedback distortion one. that one in particular is a sweet deal if it is indeed a reverse-engineered boss super feedback distortion pedal. The origional boss ones have been discontinued since the early 90s and are hard to find. I freakin hate the color though. YUUUCK!
I think that's a great idea, to build them into a modular synth. I may just give it a go
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