Is everything is working OK?

Against my better judgment, I've been forced to upgrade to Blogger 2.0. If you have any problems, email me at: and I'll do by best to fix them. Or shrug helplessly.


Bloglines is picking up the RSS feed ok. It did flag the old articles as new when it first saw them... but is back to normal now.
Seems to be fine, all working and the archive is still available.
oh that's why moroder week pt 6 appeard in google reader today. confusing at first but then I was more happy to catch up on old mt material.
Not sure this is so good.
I have a very large monitor and now half the screen is MT, half is white.
I used to be able to scale it across the whole screen.
It's so nice Blogger just gave me a 12" monitor. Yuck!
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