Harmox Matrax - Crazy looking atomic guitar

Looking like the offspring of a Gittler and the Atomium, this is the Harmos Matrax, a $1,575+ guitar which will certainly get people pointing and laughing. The body is carbon fibre struts with wooden joints, which they claim gives it a much brighter sound than a normal guitar. Based near Minnetonka, the company started out building equally incredible looking steel guitars used by people like Joe Perry from Aerosmith. (Thanks Matt)

Possibly the ugliest guitar I've ever seen...it better sound amazing! Or else, just put it up there in a museum for those to gaulk at.
First the Radias, now the Matrax... the letter "a" is staging a war of domination over the other, weaker vowels! "e" may still have supermacy of numbers, but it may only be a matter of time before it too feels the threat. Something must be done about this forthwith!
It's like looking at a guitar in a hospital.
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