Sean Fulsom loves to blow goats... bladders while he's playing his huge range of exotic bagpipes from around the world. While on the subject of bagpipes, Peter has been investigating:
"For 30 years musician and music historian Sean Fulsom has been collecting rare historical bagpipes from around the world. They come in strange shapes and have fantastic names like the German Dudelsack and the Bohemian Bock for example.
"You can check out all the pipes in Sean's collection here, and you can hear them on his CD, "Bagpipes of the World". It only costs $17 and comes with a money-back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied. If only the real thing will do, Sean is available for hire. He's a favourite with schoolchildren and high-level corporate executives."

Oh don't you just wanna give him a hug!

We are truly living in a Goaten age.
I have a feeling that those pictures are lifesize, and that man is literally the size of my wallet.
I love his toupee!
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