Back in the mists of time (9/04), one of the
first posts on Music Thing concerned some company called Audio Damage, creating a wacky-looking plugin based on one of those old Realistic reverb boxes. 18 months later,
Audio Damage are famous for making cool plugins and being
bloggers themselves. They've just released
Ratshack Reverb v.2, which is - of course - wonderful for making skinny loops sound fat and adding weird resonant feedback to anything. At $34.99, it's a bargain, but also unusual because it's probably the only plugin which costs more than the vintage kit it models - you can usually pick up an 'Electronic Reverb' for $20-$30 on the 'bay, although I'm gutted I missed item
#7402891870 - a treasure trove of black, fader covered, Realistic badness (including the Concertmate 500, which is a
Casio SK-1 in disguise), which just went for $52...