Incredible Triadex Muse triple pack on the 'bay

I've written about the Triadex Muse - the early digital synth/sequencer/alogorithmic music box invented by two MIT professors - in the past (here and at Engadget) but I've never seen anything like this: eBay item #7407855359 is one Muse, the 'Light Organ' which flashed lights in time to the music, and an external amp which I didn't know existed. All apparently in showroom condition, complete with tags and the original boxes. So, if you're an enormous geek and very rich, the $1,600 starting bid is a steal! (via Matrix Synth)

Last year, I would have bid on this.

This year, I am paying income tax and vacationing to Mexico. So... no money left over for the triple crown of Triadex money obliterating. Crap! I really wanted one of these also....and these are finer than anything out there, for sure.
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