Spring Clean Mega Linkdump part 2

More dusty treasures from the inbox:
1) The Daxophone - beautiful handmade wooden instruments which sound far crazier than you'd expect. Irritating flash-laden inventor's site here. (Thanks Steve D. Send me leaks, please!)
2) The complete soundtrack to Super Mario World, covered by one man using dozens of instruments. LINK (Thanks, Mike)
3) Dude builds amazing modular Gameboy/Effects Pedal rig for live shows.
4) I should probably know far more about Bruce Haack than I do. (Thanks, Circuit Master)
5) Non real-time, online, virtual analog synthesizer here. (Thanks, Chris)
6) Censtron's snake controller, inspired by this.
7) All Kurt Cobain's gear in one place. (Thanks, Jon)
8) The awesome looking sonar-tastic Overtone Violin.
9) The Majestron Wristwatch Piano. (Thanks, Sk0za)
10) It's a Gibson Les Paul... Piano! And it's hideous! (Thanks, Kaden)

Link #2 is broken... :(
Here's a link to what Link 2 is referring to.
The Les Paul Piano link is over two years old. And it's *still* hideous.
it IS a shame about hans reichel's web site as his music is always extraordinairy. i'm not that keen on the daxophone but his hand made guitar playing is weird and sublime.
8 cylinder's rig is way way cooler than that! you should check out his software as well!
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