Moog Analog Monosynth, just $449

Joshua writes: "My buddy Scott found this advertisement in the attic of his suburban Detroit home. How many ads these days feature Elton John in a cowboy/clown suit?" Rumours about Moog launching a new 'affordable' synth are getting stronger, with the Moog staffer responsible for the leak saying he 'got carried away' when the MEK was launched. So, Joshua is right on time to remind us about the cheapest Moog ever - the MG-1, which was licensed to Tandy/Radio Shack in 1979, and sold for $449. Wonder who they'll get to endorse their new thing... (Click on the image for a bigger shot)

...and you can get one right here:
Reminds me of the Minisonic 2. I could never find one because they were originally sold as kits to build.
Actually, it has a polyphony section, making it a 3-osc analog polysynth!
Hello again...

According to the inflation calculator at, "What cost $449 in 1979 would cost $1271.44 in 2005." Very interesting.

Also, I have been corrected -- NAMM? Think Messe... we want to be able to ship anything new within a short time of its debut [Access, I'm looking at you]. That said, there will be cool new stuff @ NAMM, so stop by... and stay excited! Not much longer now...
Did Elton ever *stop* wearing a cowboy clown suit?
Just showed this to Guy Babylon. He got a real big kick out of it.
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