Reader builds drum machine in an Excel spreadsheet

Thomas writes: "I'm sure most of your readers have money and technical skill to buy real samplers and v-drum kits, but I'm poor and desperately grasping for indie cred, so I've built my own sampler in Excel (of all things). It's controlled with a wireless xBox pad that I converted to USB, and I'm going to hand it out to audience members at shows to let them play the drums for me (I'm a solo bassist). In case you're interested, you can find the alpha HERE" Thomas' creation is impressive, in a distinctly lo-fi way, although it will be a whole lot cooler when he announces an all-Microsoft Office band with several Excel Synth players. Thomas is also a fan of Electroplankton, the cult Japan-only Nintendo DS music game.
VERY EXCITING UPDATE: A guy called Andrew has now developed Thomas' original into a fully-blown grid step drum sequencer. I think the sloppy timing you get from Excel is pretty fly. Link

Ok, I guess I'm stupid.
But how the f### do I get this thing to work?
^^ Did you download the samples? A lot of people forget to do that.

Thanks for the link! A visitor to the site has already turned it into an actual drum machine/sequencer, which is pretty cool.
Extract both files from the zip, copy the bass.dll to your \winnt or \windows directory, and the *.xls to some other directory.

The drum kit by default has no sounds, go here
and download the zip of drum kit sounds, download them to the same directory as you did the .xls file.
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