eBay of the day: Porn-finished drum kit

'Woedodger' from Montana has a plan. His buddy Paul bought this drum kit, covered in porn photos, from Orange County Drums and Percussion (No relation to Orange County Choppers). Then... "I got them from him hoping to make a little dough selling them on eBay" Now here they are, item #7373840632 with no interest yet at $4,500. Good luck with that, Woedodger! (Thanks, Kaden)

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This reminds me of the Who song, "Pictures of Lily." Keith Moon had put pornographic pictures on his drumset. Now, if those were Madman Moon's drums they would fetch a pretty penny on eBay
If had the $$$, I would LOVE to add those to my studio.
i have a drum set that was once covered in porn, but the original owner had to take the pictures off when he brought the drum set into the music store to sell. the store owner didn't want to display the drums in that condition so the previous owner went home and covered them with paisley wallpaper, which they still have now. he kept the pictures.`
Brings new meaning to the term 'gear porn'.
Travis Barkers
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