Yellow Magic Orchestra's full setup. Only smaller.

Brandon writes: " I don't know if you're interested in continuing the theme of synthesizer miniatures, [Wait, let me think...] you might be interested in this Yello Magic Orchestra model kit. It is apparently a tiny replica of their setup circa Solid State Survivor." Seems it was sold in an auction sometime in 2003... (via

Is the Akiko Yano figure also available? This is too cool!!!
This one wins my vote A+

Wouldn't be fun to build 5 Polymoogs, a drum set, a tambourine and a pyramid made of neon lights?
(I meant a mini version of the polymoogs, drums, tambourine, and pyramid. And a mini Gary.
yeah, i used to make neon lights and the guy i worked for where i live always wanted me to put some in a set of (ludwig?) vistalites(sp.?) since they are see-thru. Music thing is the best website in the whole world!!!!!
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