eBay of the day: Single string slide guitar, just £35

Item #7355437696 is a Mojobow, a single string guitar made by eBay trader Chickenbone John. He tells a good story: "The origins of slide guitar lie back on the plantation farms when a piece of baling wire was nailed to the side of a shack or barn, wedged tight to create tension, and then plucked and played with a slide. This was called a DIDDLEY BOW, and many famous musicians got started this way. THE MOJOBOW has got all the old time MOJO, but it’s a lot easier to handle than carrying around the side of a shack - it’s compact, lightweight and ULTRA-simple. Play it lap style or regular guitar position with a strap (better yet use a piece of binder twine for full-on primitive effect)" With a single strat pickup sideways along the string and wired direct to the output jack, this thing must sound cool. I can't think of a better way to spend £35... UPDATE: Here's Chickenbone John's shop

His electro-acoustic cigar-box ukulele he also has on sale, is quite nice too. Plug in a warm crunch distortion, a WahWah pedal, and a leslie speaker and you'r in TripHop heaven a la Portishead :)
"primitive effect"?
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