Circuit Bent Guitar Pedals

Bent Pedals is a nice, self-explanatory site. A few for sale (the one on the left of this pic is $150), plus helpful schematics if you want to do it yourself.

Well, the sound samples don't exactly make me need to go blow $150.00 on this, and thier schematics are colored circles on a picture with no commentary. You'd be better off going to TonePad or the like and just looking at a real schematic.
Hey, I know the guy that does these! Funny to see him linked at musicthing!
-bill (Heuristics Inc.)
I've personally bought a few pieces off and they are as amazing sounding as they look. I've also commissioned a few other pieces through them for custom bends of pieces and I all have turned out to be some of the best noise machines in my arsenal, and I've bought from most the major benders out there.
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