eBays of the day: Sublime to Ridiculous

On the left is eBay item #7348322028, a beautiful Swiss-made Nagra mobile digital mixer. Sure, it's $3,399 and hasn't met it's reserve yet, but just look at it. The guy selling says he'd been pestering Nagra for ages to buy it (It's one of the first ever made), but he's now selling it after a week. On the right is eBay item #7349622929, a Gibson 'Map' Guitar from 1983, currently $3,049 with no bids. Kaden writes: "I used to play with a guy who had one of these.Really freakin' heavy, and it sounded like a Les Paul. It looks like the state of Virginia has an enormous erection, dunnit?"

That guitar reminds of one that zz-top had. Iit was shaped like a map of texas. There was a story in Guitar World about it, and Apparently it was made from wood from Muddy Waters childhood home.
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