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FHM UK have outrageously stolen done a nice write up of the Tiny Music Makers series about Intel, THX etc (p154, 9/05 editon). It's strange to see words like "Prophet VS", "Oberheim OBX" and "Korg Wavestation" alongside "Bobbi-Sue and Fallon in the tub". Now you can say you really are buying it for the articles.

You'll have to excuse me as I cannot see it on the newstands for another month or so here in Australia... Did you get a mention or any recognition?
Yes, there's a little mention in the gutter, and the section editor was very polite when I called him.
Hrm, yeah I remember a few years ago when I worked on a streetpress mag here, they would rip articles off the net and if they were feeling generous they'd be kind enough to say "article inspired by..." Sketchy to say the least.

I'll keep an eye out for it when it hits the stands here.
In the gutter? Hmm... Isn't their entire magazine in the gutter?
Uhm, will FHM readers have even heard of anything other than perhaps C4, I understood it was a male hairdressers mag? (Fabulous Hairstylists Mag?)
I thought it was all about closet queers trying to look straight by buying a "porn" mag to convince their mates (also closet queers)featuring stunners such as Jodie Marsh and Denise Van Dyke or whatever the slappers name is.

Anyway its a blatant ripoff almost as bad as Futile Music nicking all SOS reviews and just changing a couple of words.
Was this FHM UK or FHM USA? I've got to go and check that out!
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