Mike collects (and plays) toy pianos

This is Mike Langlie, who records as Twink with his vast collection of toy pianos (click on the 'gallery' link to see them). Sensibly, he puts the music together in his Mac "I'm not the greatest player to start with, and spending a whole day replaying phrases on a tiny keyboard was getting to be frustrating." Disappointingly, he also says: "With all the layering, overdubs and pitch-shifting, it's kept me from translating my stuff into a live act, but I've always been more of a studio guy." I wonder if Jaro from Miniorgan.com has a band. Perhaps they should get together and form one!

Love Twink, been listening to it for a couple of years now. Great stuff.
Self's Gizmodgery album was recorded entirely with toy instruments.

Also love Twink. Such a fun idea and good excuse to get loads of toy pianos. People would be happier with lots of small toy pianos, yes.
toy death from Sydney Australia have been making music with toys for many many years. my friend has a star wars lightsabre that one of the guys modded with a pitch shifter and an rca output. awesome!
On the Twink album "Supercute!" there's a cover of "Enter Sandman!"
anyone else remember Pianosaurus?
You guys know about Kid Carpet? I caught him on a local TV show a while back. This guy produces and perform all his stuff using toy instruments he picks up in car boot sales and charity shops. Fantastic. Here is a link to his site http://www.kidcarpet.co.uk/. Check out this video of him performing on the streets of bristol.
Pianosaurus! Yeah, they were a four piece band that used only toy instruments. The cool thing about them was that they rocked pretty hard.
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