If you're in NYC next week, be sure to check out 'Against Nature', a series of really interesting-sounding events in Brooklyn, curated by Tim 'Love' Lee. Saturday 23rd is the Unweildy Synthesizer Potluck: "Do you have a large or otherwise unwieldy analog synth ? Want to pit it against others in a Brooklyn gallery space? Introducing the Unwieldy Synthesizer Potluck... Bring your Arp 2600s, Moog Modulars, PAIA 4700s etc, plug it on and freak it out. You'll be up against the Macbeth Studio Systems M5 [left] and at least one Arp." On the Friday, Tim will be performing with the M5, and on Thursday, the schedule says "Tim Goldsworthy of The DFA and his Muse, featuring modifications by Gavin Russom" - could that be a Triadex Muse? Full event details here. (Thanks, Adam)