Prince's blobby piano

Thanks to Mikey, Eric, Red Ferret and Reevo for pointing me towards the Schimmel Pegasus Piano. It will cost you around $150,000, and also comes in a upright version. It's designed by Prof. Luigi Colani, a kind of blobby German Phillipe Stark who could make a living as a Giorgio Moroder lookalike if the design work dries up. Colani's finest creation is undoubtedly this awesome truck.
Anyway, Prince has a Schimmel Pegasus, and he got this company to build a full-sized motorised replica with a MIDI keyboard inside for his stage set.

At first glance, I thought this was something you wore on your wrist.
leave it to Prince to buy a dildo shaped piano
Cool stuff!

That truck is amazing, that's what vehicles should look like in the 21st century!!
That's a pretty dumb looking piano. And the artists moustache is very funny.
from the front, the truck looks like a storm trooper´s helmet
I served sushi to the lady who used to run prince's "paisly park" company last week.
her new age-y website is here
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