New unit from Rane features Power/Glory switching

Seems like everyone wants a piece of the 'fictional music gear' pie. Rane, who normally make high-end DJ gear, have this product page for the PI 14 Pseudoacoustic Infector. Sample quote: "Have you ever wanted to add just a bit of this or a tad of that to your sound? The PI 14 gives you the ability to add bits of this and dashes of that, with continuously variable breadth and depth. There's also the ability to pan from here to there and if you lose your way, there's a switch to get you back again." (via GearSlutz)

Where is the side-chain input? I have long maintained the importance of cold-rolled concrete resonance damping for enclosures.
Hmmm, so someone saw the virtual studio visitor and thought "heh, that's funny - we should do that!"

shame they didnt realise it shows a real LACK of a sense of humour to parrot a joke this lamely.

'lift and separate' ? oh please, you're killing me with that erudite wit.

The guy who did this should have realised ... "hey, you know what .. I'm just not a funny guy"
Nah. Rane put this on their site years ago. 1998 I think. Wayback machine shows 2004, but I'm sure I read it before then.
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