Midimax Minimoog software controllers

Dusseldorf developers Midimax sell specially-made hardware Minimoog controllers which should work with Arturia's Minimoog V, Creamware's Minimax, G-Media's Minimonsta, Steinberg's ageing Model E and so on. The keyboard version is €820, the desktop is €460 - but don't all rush at once, they seem to be out of stock. Creamware's Minimax ASB, looks very similar but actually makes the noises too, and costs $899.

yeah, right on. i love blogspam!
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Seems pretty expensive compared to the Korg Legacy package I got. That's got the MS-20 controller with keyboard plus emulation software for 3 different synhs for < $500.
Yeah, really jeez, why so expensive?

lets see, metal case, knobs, switches, midi jacks, maybe a wood case + bog standard keyboard...ooooh.

If it twas $200 for the desktop/rack i'd be so there.
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