This Casio VL-Tone is possessed by Satan (and just $51)

A man calling himself TeffDogg claims that be bought a Casio VL-Tone for 68¢ in South Omaha... "I popped four fresh AA batteries in the Casio, flipped it right side up, and saw that the LCD display was full of random blinking garbage. As I watched, the screen seemed to stabilize, and the randomness became a pulsing "6_6_6". And that’s when I noticed… The keyboard wasn’t even turned on!" So, he decided to sell it on eBay with the disclaimer "It is obviously sold as-is. I cannot be responsible for any doom that befalls you if you purchase this item." and postage set at $6.66. He sold it for $51 to a gentleman who's last purchase was a Haunted Theremin. I am not making this stuff up. (Thanks, Dave)

$51 is cheap when you consider some folks are willing to pay ten times that to be ear-raped by similar-sounding Metasonix hardware. I previewed the TX-2 this evening and my earholes can absolutely attest to this. Yay!
That's it... I think my Korg DDD-1 just became haunted. Yeah. I can feel it. eBay here I come.
hey, the 45 sec. piece is interesting...
i imagine he has an album of music made with nothing but haunted gear coming out soon
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