Music Thing makes it to one million

Sometime on Sunday morning, MT's millionth page impression was served, which makes me very proud. Thanks to everyone who's ever sent in a story for making it possible. In no particular order, here are some of my favourite stories from the last 10 months…
Are white synthesizers cooler than black synthesizers?
MIDI Bagpipes are everywhere
The hamster powered MIDI sequencer
The THX sound
Ten guitars shaped like guns
Moroder Week
Fairlight Week
Behringer April Fool
"My Grandpa made Johnny Ramone's guitars"
MIDI Polka in underpants

Congratulations! Here's to the two-millionth, which at your probable exponential rate will happen sometime in the coming month or so.
Well done Tom! Any chance you're going to do a "Keytar Spaz Out" video to celebrate?
Johnny, not Joey.
Nice work Tom. Keep it up!
Hey, I have almost 5000! :-)
Well, we actually hit 2 million on 4th October. So not quite exponential...
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