The Lemur is real! (And $2495)

How I scoffed. Way back in October, when I first reported on the fantastic-sounding Lemur touch-screen control surface, I sniggered at their claim that they'd be for sale in 2005. Now, Create Digital Music is delighted to report that real, live, great-looking, for-sale, Lemurs are leaving the factory. In boxes! For $2495! It warms my heart. Meanwhile, Summer NAMM starts on July 22nd. Do you think Behringer will have their B-Control LM-1000 touch screen interface ($24.95) ready? (Joke!)

Of course its real!!!! and how I want one so very badly......

but i dont have a spare 3K$ lying around :(
The Lemur makes me so hot. I'd buy one if it were only 1500. The best part is the sexy star-trek like UI. I'd like to see all future movies use Lemur's as their control panels instead of the standard non-interactive plexiglass. I think that sci-fi movies tv shows may be another big market for the Lemur.
Hey, are you related to Bill?
the coolest thing isnt the multi-touch interface, but the fact that you can assign physics to the controllers, like friction, inertia, gravity, etc. etc.

and yeh - the first thing I thought of when i saw this thing was "star trek"... dude its slick - i predict more controllers like this in the future

new music needs new interfaces...

i wish someone would market the Audiopad...
This lemur looks awesome. I bought mine just yesterday, and it flung poop all over my victorian furniture spread. Feces battle at my house!
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