So, CDM has a clever roundup of music-making experimental clothing stuff. At MT, we present: Some neat-o T-Shirts (thanks, Mikey):
Optigan: You just missed buying a real-life Optigan for £450 on eBay, so console yourself with this T-shirt from the very fine $12 ("If you're interested in the Optigan T-shirt, unfortunately you'll have to wait a few months.")
Wah Wah: London-based Wah Wah do masses of music-themed T-Shirts, including Mosrite, Moog, Coloursound, and so on. £18.95
Eventide: Can you imagine how excited you'd be if you spotted another MT reader wearing one of these t-shirts? That's right! Almost excited. $15.95
Elektron: Inevitably, Elektron have a very cool range of t-shirts. Their 'SID' is nice, but my vote goes for the granny-baffling 'I'm with Machinedrum'€40
Important Records: I'm pretty sure nobody connected with EMS will see a penny from them, but these guys have an eBay shop selling T-shirts with various Moog, EMS and Korg synths on the front. $9.99