New hardware Minimoog and Prophet 5 (No Joke)

So, three days after my Behringer Minimoog story, a German music technology company has announced that it really is recreating the Minimoog for €650. Creamware have just announced the ASB (Authentic Sound Box) range - basically two DSP boxes with wooden end-panels and the right knobs to emulate the Prophet 5 and the Minimoog. You couldn't make it up! Oh, hang on... Full story from Harmony Central.

All very well, but it's still not a VCS3 is it? And before someone comments that a patch panel would make a VCS3 clone too expensive, since we are now talking DSP emulation boxes, why not emulate the pin matrix with a light pen and a cheap monochrome LCD?
Prices on the creamware site...

Minimax ASB MRSP 899 USD*
Profit-5 ASB MRSP 999 USD*

Anyway, like bunter I would rather see a cheap real analog VCS3. I would not mind if it had had banana plugs instead of a patchbay and no verniner dials.
anyway, what about the fact that these two little va's will sound nothing like a mini or a pro 5, they will sound they allways do.
they should just call them 'thin a's'

oh thats not that funny.
I have those 2 beast (Minimax and Profit5) algos in my Creamware Scope system and they are fat as nothing i've heard in the emulation world...they sound fantastic...if I didn't have them already on my cards...

They kick badly and should be heard.
The Minimax ASB is the closest thing I have heard to the real thing. Its sitting right next to my DSI Polyevolver Keyboard (loaded mainly with analog timbres) and, every once in a while, I have to check the mixer to see which one's turned up ;)

It really is very sweet sounding!!
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