Geeks Rejoice! The Sidstation is back!

The SID Station is a mad little synth based around the SID6581 chip that was in every Commodore 64 computer. It was an amazing analog/digital synth-on-a-chip. I hadn't realised that SID Stations were out of production, because Elektron couldn't get hold of enough chips. I don't know how much this is hype (even on eBay, C64s only cost up to £30) but Elektron now say they've come across a cache of 100 SIDs, so have re-started production. You can buy one (if you really, really, really like game music) for $950 from here. Alternatively, HardSid will sell you a PCI card which can control up to four SID chips for just 199 Euros (including two SIDs).

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