Behold the AudioCube!

No-one ever seems to really commit to alternative controllers. How many Soundbeam virtuosi can you think of? Can you even name more than one Stick player?
For the man [or woman] that really is tired of the Celeste and the Banjolele paradigms, we’re pleased to alert you to the AudioCube. Alright, they sound kind of horrible right now – something like an SH7 with a blown power supply – and it’s difficult to see how the wired prototype would fit into a performance environment. Imagine, though, for an instant a Bluetooth version of these little suckers in the hands of a juggler. Sweet! Nice spot Gizmodo!

While these look interesting, I was particularly intrigued by the Sony Project Block Jam

There's a nice online demo as well.
"Can you even name more than one Stick player?"

Steve Adelson
Nick Beggs
Bob Culbertson
Steve Hahn
Greg Howard
Jim Lampi
John Myung
Don Schiff

Those are just some pros with a web presence :-)
You walked into that one, Mikey. How could you forget Nick Beggs?
Well, I do feel something of a fool now as I quite liked Ellis, Beggs & Howard and saw them live a few times.

Never heard of any of those other jeks though!
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