Strobopick Competition: We have a winner!

Well, I wasn't inundated with entries to the Strobopick Competition, but the quality was unparalleled. Dominic Muren wins an honorable mention for this heroic tale of circuit-bending a Teddy Ruxpin at college (Dominic is now a real-life professional toy designer).
But the overall winner was always going to be Joshua, who grew up in Hamilton, Montana, and worked at a firing range to buy a Cort Effector guitar, which "TOTALLY HAD DISTORTION BUILT, LIKE, RIGHT IN". Joshua then realised he was left handed and had to hacksaw off a large chunk of the guitar just to be able to play it. His story doesn't end well. CLICK HERE to read it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll contact me first if you want to secure the film rights.
And Joshua, get in touch to claim your prize...

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