Home Alone

Well, Tom is away, but the show must go on. Somehow we, the Music Thing Massive must try to keep some semblance of a website alive during these three cold February weeks ahead of us (have a lovely time in Brazil, Tom). I have to admit, I feel scared, but I'm sure that with your help (keep the tips coming!), we'll manage to keep things going. So what better way to heat things up than a scorching dual-necked guitar solo from Michael Angelo Batio. (thanks to Ray for the link.)

Wow, on the same site, check out the video of 4 year old drummer Cole Marcus playing Crazy Train. Not a great drummer, but at least he's toting a bottle of milk instead of a bottle of Budweiser. And it's really impressive when you think he's just 4. (Although those Korean "wonder kids" could probably run circles around him.)

(also, the Spongebong Hemppants video was too much.)
Watching that makes me ashamed to play guitar.
I, too, was feeling the shame, until he started slapping his chords right and left and I burst out laughing. I'm still chuckling...
Laugh? You should see John Otway playing his! Of course, Otway's has a hinge in the middle :)

http://www.ukexpert.co.uk/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=8707&sort=1&cat=all&page=1Puts it all in context...
I couldn't agree anymore. Keep up the great work :-)
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