Zach writes from San Francisco with news of the Kazooka Electric Kazoo, which attaches an electromagnetic pickup to a Kazoo, so it can be played through a guitar amp. Sample quote: "The electric kazoo frees musicians from all the limitations of "normal" instruments." I asked Kazoo King Rick Hubbard what he made of it. "I've got one, and it sounds pretty good," he said. "But it's not the first electric kazoo. I built my first several years ago. I have an Roland GI-10 pitch-to-MIDI converter and can make some pretty cool sounds. At Kazoobie Kazoos we are working on a new pick-up for our kazoos. It will be detachable."
There you have it. A MIDI Kazoo. I suspect that everyone should probably own a Kazooka, particularly as they're only $17.95.