Never a bad time for a sweaty man with a strap-on

I really don't have any excuse at all for posting this picture from the Pacific Northwest Synthesizer Meeting in September 2004, other than it made me smile. But it's December, it gets dark at 4pm in London (and possibly in the Pacific Northwest?) and we all need something to keep us going. For an almost infinite supply of cold-winter-evening filling pictures, check out Peter's Analog Heaven report over at Create Digital Music. PS: I'm going for 'Analog', but if you're a fan of 'Analogue', then let me know in the comments...
UPDATE: The guy in the picture is Toby Paddock, who also owns three Arp Oddyseys in different colours. He's playing a Syntar.

That's a Syntar...

Wow, I bet this guy gets all sorts of chicks with that device!
HereĀ“s one chick
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