Albino Synths

All this talk about black/white synths, and I've overlooked the rare and eccentric albino synths, like Tony Mason's Pink Casio SK1, about which he knows nothing (other than wondering if it was a Barbie special edition). Even better, The Smithsonian has an ultra-rare pre-release white Speak & Spell.


There is an old picture of my studio at:

You will see a set of Digisound-80 modules all in cool white
I have a white Roland MKS-7 which are apparently rare which i found in a hick town for $200AUD! It's much cooler looking than the black one! I say white synths are definetly cooler than black ones!
Tony sold me the pink Casio a few years ago.
Akai made some pretty wicked Albino Synths...

The AX_73, which was rather Clinical and Medical in appearance... and they also made the Ultra-Rare and very hard to find VX-600, and after looking at this baby you can clearly see where Access got their TI Series Color and Industrial Design Cues:

The Akai VX-600:
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