Review: Audio Damage Discord

It is: A VST plugin which sounds like the legendary Eventide Harmonizer H910, which 'fucks with the fabric of time'. It's a pitch-shifter and delay, which does subtle double-tracking or massive stereo warping bwoyoyoing effects
You've heard it: On almost every record made between '80 and '88. Prince loved his Harmonizer. All those sped up/slowed down vocals and spacey drums. Most of the 'Purple Rain' album seems to have been through one. Tony Visconti used the second one in Europe on Bowie's 'Low', and Bowie used it most obviously on 'Fame'.
Is it any good? It's really fun. Playing with it, I kept stumbling across sounds from records. It's very good at mad feedback: I made this [500k mp3] in twenty minutes with Live 4, a Prince loop and some dodgy ragga samples (and Metal Mickey on the vocals). The Discord has a great, gritty, old-school digital sound and really simple controls. It can do subtle, but I can't.
Is it worth $39? Yes. The other way you can get this sound is with the official Eventide Clockworks bundle, which is Pro Tools only and costs £569.
Details here

I got to back you up. Old Eventide Harmonizers really are amazing. The 910 and 949 can get very crazy if you push them feedback-wise, but then you back off just a tteny weeny bit and lay in perfect submarine underworld pitch swallows. ooh and more.

I think some people back in the day would mark out the letters on the Eventide logo to say "Even id Harmonize" Related: some people put stickers on their gear. (??)

Wow. Also crazy "capstan" control of your reel-to-reel for early time-stretch, which, if you can understand it, makes time travel seem possible after all. See Godley and Creme. Digital needs love too.
another favorite was on the Eventide Digital Delay, people made it say "Even I Dig A Lay".
I saw an Eventide H 3000 harmonizer (a newer and in some ways better big brother of the 900 series) in a pawn shop for $600 Canadian! And I didn't buy it because I was broke! It was to be another tragic chapter in my growing book of gear I could have owned...sniff sniff.
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No, Discord is definitely VST and AU flavoured...
i just bought it the other day, along with their drum random glitch vst- automaton
very cool tools!
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