DIY Week: Pt 1: Naill's computer pedal board

Niall Moody is a 23 year-old student (and Japanese video game geek) from Glasgow doing a PHD in Music Technology. He's written a bunch of interesting VST plugs - like Particle Fountain and Sine Synth. His new thing is a home-made guitar pedalboard to control all the VSTs in his computer. He made it of wood, a few wires and an old joystick, then wrote a neat host application to make it all work. As he ssys, he couldn't afford NI's 'Guitar Rig', but he could always have bought a Behringer FCB1010 MIDI pedalboard for £99, though they're so baffling to program he was probably better off starting from scratch. The pedalboard instructions come with the free software here.

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