Incredibly cool hardware remix project

Haakon from Oslo bought a knackered old Korg MS10 which had been converted into a rack module, and converted it back into a beautiful-looking keyboard synth, like a super-hottified Sequential Pro-One. All the details are in his blog. Good work, fella! (via Matrix Synth, obviously)

Wow, he makes that look so easy,
but there's a lot of thought in the
design. I wonder if we will see
lots of similar modded MS-10's in
the future?
Absolutely beautiful.
Yeah, MS-20 controller, All Wood side panels, soild steel construction, USB connectable PLUS 3 superb modeled classic synths that can also be run in stand alone. $299.00...

Yeah ok. If they made a controller that resembled this one we would be paying $800 plus and people would still complain. If you want one you should build it yourself spend $500-$800 and priceless frusteration and let Korg make a useable product package for under $300...
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