Super-cool Fairlight CMI video on YouTube

This is a tiny, one minute long clip of someone using the 'Page R' sequencer in a Fairlight. Lots of keyboard clacking, then a very long gap as the floppy drive searches, then a cruddy-sounding sequence. Magic! More on Page R here.

Does anyone else have an issue with YouTube where it loads about 5 seconds of clip then stops? Whether it's an imbedded clip or I go to the website itself, no matter how many times I refresh it. I get 10 seconds tops. It ruins the majesty that is YouTube. Any ideas?
This naff fairlight beat through a bunch of moogerfoogers would certainly be da bomb?

Why did I end that sentence with a question mark!

Hey, were did that exclamation mark come from.

Ahhh.. Too much Canadian Club!?!@#? in ma belly.

Missed it?

As if...
Imagine the original sales patter:

"You, yes, You sir, can do *this* in your very own home for just fifty thousand pounds..."
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