NAMM Rumours: The SH-101 reborn by Roland?

This thread on Harmony Central keeps on giving. Above is the nice-looking Novation ReMOTE 61 - a big, white keyboard with two huge backlit LCDs and a 61-note semi-weighted keyboard. It's real enough to be already on sale for $599 at 123 Music.
More interesting is the Roland SH-201, of which the source says: "I only hope this toy sounds as good as it looks. Know the SH-32? Put a 49 keyboard, black finish and external audio input on it and you'll get an idea."

The Novation looks like those CME UF controllers... but $200 more expensive.
I will surely need to get whatever the SH-201 ends up being. But man... if it is actually a true analog synth plus midi and memory I will know my prayers have been answered.
If it's based on the SH32, then expect it to sound like sh**. But at least it won't look like a child's drawing of a buchla...
Was I the only one who got excited when I heard that Roland were producing a synth called the 'Juno D'? Best not to get our hopes too high for this one.

Also, it's worth noting that the SH-32 resembles an SH-101 in no way whatsoever.

It took me a while to get used to my SH32. I used to wonder if I'd made a bit of a mistake buying it, but then I noticed I was using it on every song I produced, so I guess I must like it after all. It doesn't necessarily produce "fat analogue" sounds, but it's a good synth in it's own right.

If they are adding a keyboard to it I hope they also re-design the whole user interface, which is not it's strong point.
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