By the end of the 80s, Giorgio had three Oscars and all the money in the world. He stopped making records (just doing occasional remixes for people like Mirwais, and producing the odd Bonnie Tyler track) and concentrated on... other projects:
1: He designed and formed a company to build the Cizeta-Moroder V16T, a sixteen-cylinder (64-valve!) sports car that would sell for $600,000 in the mid 1980s. The Sultan of Brunei was interested, but the company closed.
2: He was commissioned by a 'now defunct' Japanese company to build "The Moroder Towers" at an undisclosed location.
3: He wants to build a huge pyramid in LA, to be called the Moroder Millennium Pyramid

4: Giorgio's art is not good.
5: He claims to be " the owner and creative force of the internationally known electronics group, SAE California." Can he mean the long defunct cult stereo company Scientific Audio Electronics, which went bust in 1994?
6: He's now taken down the relevant page, but Giorgio was about to design an 'art park' in Blankenburg, Germany "featuring the world's largest pieces of digital art, videos, paintings, sculpture and multi-media exhibits. The park will be called the "Moroder Art Park." Elsewhere, he says "A large space will be needed for the Blankenburg collection as it will include some extremely large paintings measuring 100 meters long and 25 meters high."
7: As part of the Blankenburg project: "Moroder will also present a musical about witches entitled "Hexy" scheduled to open in a newly created theater in the year 2001."