TV On The Radio's awesome vectorscope video

Nick writes: "TV on the Radio has a great video posted to their MySpace page. It sounds like a song composed of one synth track and looks to be run through an oscilloscope. I could be wrong about that. I can't tell what the hardware is. Anyhow, beautiful video. While I was watching I thought to myself, "I wonder why I'm not watching this on MusicThing"? I think it's a vectorscope - one commenter suggests from an SSL 9000. Anyone know more? Anyone willing to buy TVOTR a decent video camera?
UPDATE: It looks a lot like a DK MSD200. Thanks, Kåre.

synth? it's clearly a rhodes.

Wavelab does this when you are recording - it doesn't have the same analogue beauty, but is anyhow pretty mesmerizing.
Possibly not a synth. The tag reads "rhodes", which seems to imply to me it's a distorted rhodes (or patch) and some delay to me. Which I often like better than synths anyway :)
ah, beat me to it.
It looks like a Stereo version of the DK MSD600M++5.1 meter made by DK. The best digital metering I've ever used.
It looks like a MSD 200 which has a yellow EL-display. That model was made by dk-audio (now DK-Technologies) some years ago.

The audio vector scope (the middle part of the display) is a really cool tool for seeing all kind of properties of a stereo signal.

See page 13 and 14 here if you want to know more:
Amazing. Maybe Windows Screensaver is inspired in this :)
probably the other way around
you guys might like this, as its quite similar in concept:
It's from their song Love Dog
Robin Fox has been similar type stuff with lasers.
I composed a piece for the harmonograph... kind of similar
I would guess its the scope from an SSJ 9000 J board, specifically the one at Chalice Studios in West Hollywood. I only can guess at this based on the fact that the folks from tv on the radio (david specifically, who was on the lemonade/maple syrup/cayenne pepper diet at the time) were mixing across the way while I was mixing my album with spike stent for a few weeks in june/jul at the SSL G board there at chalice. btw the nin year zero also was mixed by reznor and a.moulder at that same board. amazing studio, that chalice.
I second the SSL comment, from the one I saw at the old track record studios.
Yes it is From a SSL 4 Sure
its just a Lissajous waveform of the stereo audio.
Here is mine:
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