Reactable - Incredible multi-user desktop interface

This wonderful clip shows Reactable - a research project from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. It's a translucent table with a camera and a projector underneath. The camera scans the positions of various blocks, which can be twisted and linked. We've seen this kind of stuff before - Audiopad seems the most similar, and multitouch might be more practical - but I'd love to play with this thing myself... (thanks, Bram)

Thanks for sharing that - wicked - I want one!

JC Productionz
reactable is set up at steim in amsterdam at the moment. it will be there till the end of the day on november 1rst. call if you want to visit! 020-6228690
I love the way the waveforms are displayed between modules. Brilliant, and, of course in hindsight, obvious...:)
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