Anybody developing a Synclavier soft synth?

Chris writes: "Hey, I was wondering if anyone had any plans to make a Synclavier soft synth, maybe with a dedicated USB controller similar to the VP keyboard?" That would certainly be cool (and a little bit more hardcore than the Korg Legacy Collection). I remember 2-3 years ago a guy had a weird-looking page where he claimed he was building a Synclavier VSTi, but I can't find it any more. Anyone?

I'd rather have a Fairlight soft synth.
You mean like this one?
Yeah, I remember that post. I have been looking (and hoping) for a virtual Synclavier for a long time. Looks like I might have to find some coders to help me make one. Seems to me, the Synclavier was, and is, the fastest, and most versatile sound design/post device ever (beats the pants off Pro Tools IMHO). For the controller, I would suggest using this: check out the "midibox gallery" towards the bottom.

deepmass at hot mail dot com
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