Six Weird Plectrums

So, I was looking through eBay when I realised that there's a surprising amount of brain power being used in plectrum development...
Jellifish: "The most radically innovative guitar product to come along in decades". It has springy bits coming out the bottom. $9.95
Orbit Pick: Huge green pick with a lanyard to stop you dropping it. $7.95
F1 Pick: It's a twisted pick to give you better grip, invented by Billy Gray, the little kid from 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'. $2.50
Cow Horn & Hoof Picks: These provide a "balanced tone similar to the now illegal and much missed tortoiseshell picks of yesteryear." £3.99
Real Elephant Ivory Pick: (above) "Comes with a free velvet pouch to pretect your Ivory Pick". $7.50
Wirething: Half plastic/half wire pick, gives "a clean amazing twinkling tone without noise or clicking" $2.99

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