New M-Audio Firewire Keyboard

I can't seem to get excited about another new keyboard from M-Audio. This one has Firewire (I think it's the first ever firewire keyboard), an audio interface, and a stupid name - Ozonic. (About 18 months ago they released Ozone, which was a USB version of the same thing). It's probably a good product, and $600 will convert to a good street price. Best of all, it's got a joystick, which will come in very handy when that Virtual Synthi comes out. So why no excitement? Because it's really ugly, and it will be made of really cheap silver plastic, and I'd never want it in my house. Somehow the (similar spec) Novation X-Station, looks way better, although the Alesis Photon X25 is going a little bit too far. Please can we have more new keyboard kit that looks like this or this, please?

I quite like the looks of my Photon X25, but there are many Windows XP driver problems that needs to be ironed out.

Might just be that I'm weak for the kind of bulky, old-school vibe it gives me. And btw. it doesn't light up like a christmas tree, as the pictures on the Alesis site indicates. It's actually quite discreete.
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